
River Glomma offers a variety of angling opportunities and species.
Here are the species you are most likely to come in contact with.

oerret Trout can be found in most rivers and lakes in different sizes. It feeds mostly on insects, snails and smaller species of crawfish.
Grayling is one of the most common species found in the river Glomma. It is a salmonoid  with a characteristic large dorsal fin. It feeds mostly on larva and nymphs, but it is willingly rising to flies on the surface

Pike is the trout’s worst enemy. A predator most comfortable in shallow and warm water, preferably with dense vegetation.


Gwyniad (Common white fish) is a herring like salmonoid. It is usually caught on dry flies and buzzers.

Perch is easily recognized due to its coloration and body shape. It can be caught on spoons, spinners, worms and flies.

Roach is a small carp with a silvery body and read eyes, living in shoals.

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